Animal Cyclopedia

Punganur Cow Price, LifeSpan, Milk Per Day, Milk Price Per litre!

Are you searching the internet for the Punganur cow price, lifespan, and price of Punganur cow milk per day and Litre? If so, it’s great to inform you that this article will cover everything, and you will also get some bonus information about this cow breed.

When you open this Article, You Must be Interested in Learning about the Punganur Cows. I also consider you a potential Punganur cow owner, and I need some important information about this cow so you can make informed decisions before purchasing one.

The Punganur cow is highly Significant for its agricultural Value and Increasing Production Capacity. People worldwide, especially Indian village people, use these cows for dairy farming and agriculture. Though this size cow doesn’t produce much milk, it’s suitable for midsize farmers’ families due to its affordable Price.

This cow Produces very high-quality milk that is useful for making ghee and other dairy products. Punganur Cows Milk is expensive on the market. This breed can be involved in agricultural tasks like plowing fields. So, this cow will be your multi-tasker domestic pet, contributing to your Finances and agricultural work.

Our dedicated article will Provide valuable Information About Your Desired Punganur cows. We consider you a Potential Cow Owner, so we will discuss everything that you need to know before Purchasing, including breed history, Price, Adaptability, Life span, Milink Capacity, Milk Price, food, Potential diseases, and some Tips on what to consider while Purchasing an Ideal cow.

Punganur Cow Price

The Price of a Punganur cow in India varies depending on age, gender, health, pedigree, location, market demand, and economic conditions. Compared to some other cattle breeds, this cow are usually considered affordable.

Punganur cows prices based on age and gender:

CategoryPrice Range (₹)
Non-Adult₹10,000 – ₹25,000
Adult Male₹20,000 – ₹4,00000
Adult Female₹15,000 – ₹3,50000

The Price of a Punganur cow starts at ₹30,000, and the Highest Price Reached is ₹400,000 or more in India. Price variations depend on specific characteristics and local market conditions. Prices may Change over Time, so stay connected with a Local or Online Marketplace for real-time price updates.

Puganur cows for sale || 9652270522 || in Karnataka | in Kannada |

Punganur Cow for Sale OLX

Watch the video below and learn about Punganur Cow for sale in Uttar Pradesh.

Punganur Cow Breed History & Background

The Punganur cow is a special breed with Historical Significance for its Background. This cattle Comes from Punganur in India. It has a history that reaches way back in time. People have been raising them for many, many years.

In the past, when there were no big machines or tractors, Punganur was like a valuable helper on farms. They helped with ploughing the fields and other complex work. People also kept them for their milk. Even though they don’t give as much milk as some other cows, their milk is perfect for making butter and ghee.

Punganur are small Cows, but they are solid & capable of working hard. They are adaptable to hot and dry weather in some parts of India. They are like little powerhouses of strength, even though they are not very big.

Over time, people started to Protect the Pungamur cow for its Significance in People’s lives. They try to ensure there are still Punganur cows for future generations. These cows are an essential part of India’s farming heritage, and their history is something to be proud of.

What does Punganur Cattle Eat?

Punganur Cow

Punganur cattle feed on grass, hay, and sometimes grains. They love to graze on fresh green grass in the fields. In the winter, when fresh grass is scarce, farmers provide them with hay, which is dried grass.

Occasionally, they are given grains like corn and barley as a treat. These foods provide the necessary energy for Punganur cattle to grow and remain healthy.

They spend most of their time grazing in pastures, enjoying the natural goodness of the plants around them. Therefore, their diet mainly consists of grass, hay, and small grains for additional nutrition.

Punganur Cow’s Lifespan In India

The life span of a Punganur cow is 15 to 20 years in India, depending on several factors, including their healthcare, nutrition, and living conditions. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to detect and address any health issues promptly. A balanced diet consisting of nutritious feeds and ample grazing opportunities is crucial for their well-being. 

Moreover, a comfortable and stress-free environment significantly affects their overall health and longevity. When given proper care and attention from their caregivers, some of these cows may surpass the average lifespan, highlighting the positive effects of responsible animal husbandry practices.

 Size, Height, Weight & Life Span of Punganur Cow

The Punganur cow is not prominent in size but has a compact body. This cow, on average, has a height of 90-100 centimetres (35-39 inches). Its Body Shape and size Made it suited for various agricultural tasks and small-scale farming. Despite their small size, these cows are known for their strength and stability, which make them valuable to farmers in arid regions.

NamePunganur cow
Average Height90-100 cm (35-39 in)
Average Weight115 to 200 kilograms
Life Span15-20 years

We already mentioned that this cow breed is small, so its average weight is 115 to 200 kilograms. Regarding their life span, they naturally live for 15 to 20 years when they get care. Their Long Lives make them valuable assets in farming operations over an extended period. They can survive harsh conditions, which contributes to their longevity.

Ideal Feeding For Punganur Cow

To Keep Your Cow & get the most out of it, You must Focus on giving your Cattle the food that suits it the most. The ideal feeding is Essential for Punganur cows to ensure their health and productivity. In This Part of the article, I’m Providing some guidelines for feeding cows:

Green Forage: Punganur cows love eating fresh green things like grass, legumes (like alfalfa or clover), and other plant foods. These foods give them essential fiber, protein, and vitamins that keep them healthy.

But you should make sure they eat clean and have no yucky stuff. That way, they stay happy and strong!

Concentrates: To give your cow an extra boost, you can add special foods to their diet, like grains such as corn, barley, and oats. You can also include oilseed meals like soybean meal.

These foods are like energy boosters and protein sources that help the cows grow and produce more milk. It’s like giving them a little power-up for their health and productivity!

Minerals and Vitamins: These are essential For your Punganur cows to stay healthy and robust. It’s a good idea to give them particular vitamins and minerals.

Though These work like a Secret weapon, you should talk to a vet or a nutrition expert to decide precisely what your cows need.

They will determine the dose by considering how old your cows are, their health, and where they live.  

Clean Water: Clean and fresh water is essential for your cow’s daily health. It helps them digest their food correctly and feel good. So, ensure they always have an excellent, dependable, clean water supply. 

Feeding Schedule: It’s a good idea to set up a regular eating schedule for your Punganur cows. Think of it like their mealtime routine.

They usually must eat a few times daily to stay energetic and healthy. And remember portion sizes. Please make sure they get the right amount of food at each meal. 

Avoid Overfeeding: One important thing to remember is not to give your Punganur cows too much food. Just like with people, overeating can make them too chubby, and that’s not good for their health.

So, keep an eye on their body to ensure they’re manageable, and adjust their meals if needed. It’s all about keeping them in the best shape possible!

Grazing: Whenever you can, let your Punganur cows go to the field to eat fresh grass. It’s like a buffet of natural and healthy food for them.

But remember, too much of a good thing can sometimes be a problem. So, ensure they only eat some things in one go, which can hurt the land. Keep an eye on their grazing to keep the cows and the soil happy and healthy!

Consult a Veterinarian: When feeding your Punganur cows, it’s wise to team up with a vet or livestock expert. They can help you make a food plan that’s just right for your cows, considering what they need.

And here’s another important thing: remember to take your cows for check-ups regularly. They need them to stay in good shape. Plus, make sure they get their vaccinations as recommended.  

Punganur Cow Milk Per Day

Punganur Cow Milk Per Day depends on various factors, including age, health, diet, and lactation stage.

Though this cow is not known for high milk production compared to other dairy breeds, Punganur Cow Milk Per Day is around 3 to 5 litres.

While milk production may be modest, quality is usually considered high, with good fat content. This milk is appreciated for making ghee and other dairy products.

To get the most accurate information about the daily milk yield of your specific Punganur cow, it’s advisable to monitor and record its milk production regularly and consult with a veterinarian or dairy specialist for guidance on optimizing milk production and the cow’s overall health.

Punganur Cow Milk Price Per Litre in India

Punganur cow milk in India usually falls between ₹50 to ₹100 per litre. It depends on several factors: location, quality, and demand.

In areas where Punganur cows are bred and their milk is readily available, prices may be lower due to higher supply. 

On the other hand, in regions where Punganur cow milk is scarce or in high demand for its reputed quality, prices tend to be higher.

Moreover, factors like organic certification or special processing methods may also influence the cost. All in all, the price of Punganur cow milk varies throughout different regions of India.

What Needs To Consider for Purchase of a Good Punganur Cow?

Well, an Informed Buyer can only Buy a Perfect Product that meets their Expectations and Makes them happy with the Price. So, You Must Consider 11 Things Before Purchasing a Punganur Cow, as discussed below. Learn Before Purchasing One. Be a Knowledgeable Buyer.

Research and Knowledge: Before purchasing, educate yourself about Punganur cows. Learn about their characteristics, including size, milk production, and ideal conditions for their well-being. Knowledge is your best ally when selecting a cow.

Reputation of Seller: Buy from a reputable and trustworthy seller or breeder. Ask for references or check reviews from other buyers. A reliable source is more likely to provide healthy and well-cared-for cows.

Health Check: Insist on a thorough health check-up by a veterinarian before finalizing the purchase. Ensure the cow is free from diseases or health issues. A healthy cow is a valuable investment.

Age and Gender: Determine the age and gender of the cow based on your specific needs. Younger cows may be better for milk production, while older ones may be suitable for breeding or farm work. Ensure that the age matches your requirements.

Pedigree: If you’re interested in breeding, inquire about the cow’s pedigree and lineage. A well-documented pedigree can indicate the cow’s genetic quality.

Physical Examination: Personally inspect the cow’s physical condition. Look for signs of good health, including clear eyes, a shiny coat, and alertness. Check for any visible abnormalities or injuries.

Milk Production: If milk production is prioritised, ask for the cow’s milking history and daily milk yield. A cow with a consistent milk production record may be a valuable choice for a dairy farm.

Temperament: Assess the cow’s character. A calm and docile cow is easier to handle and manage, while aggressive or nervous behaviour can pose challenges.

Local Climate Adaptation: Ensure the cow is adapted to the local climate and environmental conditions, especially if you purchase from a different region.

Price Negotiation: Don’t hesitate to negotiate the Price, but do so reasonably. Consider the cow’s age, health, and quality when determining a fair price.

Transportation and Quarantine: Plan for the transportation of the cow to your location and have a quarantine period if necessary to ensure the cow’s health and safety during the transition.


The Punganur cow is significant for its agricultural value and milk production capacity. Particularly loved by rural communities in India, this breed serves as a valuable asset for milk production and various agricultural tasks.

While Punganur cows may not be high-yield milk producers, they offer affordability and exceptional milk quality, ideal for producing ghee and other dairy products. Additionally, their adaptability to challenging climates and their capacity to assist in farming activities, such as ploughing fields, make them versatile and reliable domestic animals.

This article provides information on Punganur cows, considering you a potential cow owner. We’ve covered essential aspects, including their history, price range, adaptability, lifespan, milk production, feeding guidelines, and factors to consider when purchasing these cows.

Understanding the historical significance and the unique characteristics of the Punganur cow emphasizes its importance in sustaining agricultural traditions and rural livelihoods in India.

As you consider bringing these cows into your life and farm, make informed decisions and seek expert guidance to ensure the health and productivity of your Punganur cows.

Follow These best practices and adequately caring for these remarkable animals, you can contribute to their preservation and continue India’s rich farming heritage.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current Price of Punganur cow milk?

The price of Punganur cow milk can vary depending on the region and market conditions. It’s best to check the current rates with local suppliers or dairy farms.

How much does a Punganur cow cost in Tirupati? 

The cost of a Punganur cow in Tirupati can fluctuate. To get accurate pricing, contact local sellers or farms in the area.

Are there any available Punganur cow calves for sale? 

 Yes, Punganur cow calves are available for sale. The availability and prices can vary, so it’s advisable to inquire with breeders or farms.

 What is the daily milk yield of a Punganur cow? 

The daily milk yield of a Punganur cow typically ranges from 3 to 5 liters of milk per day.

Can I find Punganur cows for sale on OLX?

Punganur cows may be listed for sale on OLX or similar online marketplaces. Verify the seller’s authenticity and the Cow’s health before purchasing.

  Where can I find miniature Punganur cows for sale? 

You can find miniature Punganur cows for sale from breeders or farms specializing in small cattle. Look for local breeders or online listings for availability.

What is the Price of Punganur cow milk per liter?

The price of Punganur cow milk per liter can vary by location and quality. But With our Information, it will cost 200 to 300 INR per Liter.

How much does a Punganur cow cost in Karnataka?

A Punganur cow in Karnataka costs around 30,000 INR to 400000 INR.

 What are the characteristics of miniature Punganur cows? 

 Miniature Punganur cows are known for their small size, gentle temperament, and high milk yield in proportion to their size. They are popular among small-scale dairy farmers.

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