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Cobalt Blue Tarantula as Pet Care, Cost, Behavior, Harmness & Info

Suppose You are a Potential Pet Owner of a Cobalt Blue Tarantula or an animal lover seeking Information about Cobalt Blue Tarantulas. In that case, This article is Mostly valuable For You. How to Care Cobalt Blue Tarantula, What Is The Cost, How Is It Temperament & How Much Good as Pet, What is the feeding methods Everything we will cover in this Single article.

Nowadays, Cobalt Blue has Gained Popularity as a Home Pet, and People are Curious about this Small Spider Species. While Cobalt Blue is a Venom Creature, people are Demanding to Select it as a pet Because of Its Stunning Appearance.

While the Cobalt Blue Tarantula can be a fascinating pet for some, it’s not appropriate for everyone. The care requirements, potential aggression, and handling difficulties mean that only experienced and responsible pet keepers should consider owning one.

In This Article, We aim to Provide You with legitimate information about the Creature That Will Help You Decide whether you will keep it as a Pet or not. If You Choose it, How Do you Care for it and feed it?

Read Also: Jumping Spider Pets, Types, Characteristics, Diet and Lifespan

Cobalt Blue Tarantula Origin & History

The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is a unique and approvingly sought-after species of tarantula Famous for its striking blue colouration.

This Creature’s Scientific Name is Haplopelma lividum & Native to the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia, especially Myanmar and Thailand.

This Tarantula is medium-sized & can reach a leg span of around 5 to 6 inches (12.7 to 15.2 cm) as adults.

The Origin of The Species is from Southeast Asia, particularly Myanmar, where it was initially discovered. This Tarantula has caught the desire of arachnid lovers worldwide.

Its striking appearance and relatively calm behaviour compared to other tarantula species have contributed to its popularity in the exotic pet business all Over the World.

Information About The Cobalt Blue Tarantulas:

  • Name: Cobalt Blue Tarantula
  •  Species: Cyriopagopus lividus
  •  Dimensions: Adult females are around 5 to 6 inches (12.7 to 15.24 cm), and males are smaller.
  •  Food: Insects and small prey
  •  Origin: Native to Southeast Asia, particularly Myanmar (Burma).
  •  Behaviour: Burrowing behavior, calm demeanour.
  •  Famous for: Its striking and deep blue colouration.
  •  Breeding Season: During warmer months.
  •  Lifespan:  7 to 10 years 
  •  Dangerous or Not: Their venom is not among the most potent tarantulas, but their bites can still cause discomfort.  

Cobalt Blue Tarantula’s Behavior & Nature

Cobalt Blue Tarantula

While the Cobalt Blue Tarantula looks stunning, it has defensive and shy nature. It Uses Defensive Skill when It Feels threatened; It lifts its front legs and shows its fangs in a defensive stance.

It might also irritate its core against its urticating setae (tiny, barbed hairs) on its belly, releasing these hairs as a defense.

This Tarantula is Very Fast for its speed and agility. It can move fast when disturbed, making handling problematic for simple protection. Its rapid actions can surprise even experienced tarantula lovers.

One of the Excellent Defensive Techniques of This Tarantula is In the wild, They burrow into the ground, creating complex tunnel systems. This behavior helps in thermoregulation and protection from predators.

This Species is More Like other Tarantula species; mainly, They are Nocturnal creatures active at Night & Hunt Food during that Time.

The Cobalt Blue Tarantulas are Solitary Creatures by Nature, and They Like To Live alone to avoid stress and potential aggression between individuals.

They are Basically Like well-maintained terrariums replicating their natural habitat, like delivering a substrate suitable for burrowing, hiding spots, and maintaining proper humidity levels.

Cobalt Blue Tarantula Care Requirment

Caring for a Cobalt Blue Tarantula as a pet Need attention to detail and a dedication to providing a proper environment that mirrors its natural habitat. Here are the necessary care needs.

Provide a well-ventilated and appropriately-sized enclosure. A vertically-oriented terrarium is advised, as these tarantulas are arboreal and like height. A 5 to 10-gallon tank can be eligible for an adult Cobalt Blue Tarantula. Secure the enclosure with a tight-fitting cover to prevent escapes.

To Give a Natural environment, Use substrate materials like coconut coir, peat moss, and vermiculite. A depth of around 3 to 5 inches is ideal for burrowing.

Maintaining temperature & Humidity is Crucial For Keeping them Comfortable; maintain a temperature range of 75-85°F (24-29°C) during the day, with a slight drop at night.

Keep humidity levels around 70-80% to ensure proper moulting and hydration. Mist the enclosure as needed but avoid making the substrate overly wet.

Don’t Use UV Lightining Because they Don’t Like It, Provide hiding spots like pieces of cork bark or hollow logs. Add artificial plants or branches to create a stimulating environment miming their natural habitat.

Cobalt Blue Tarantula Diet

Cobalt Blue Tarantulas are meat-eating predators that feed primarily on insects and other small arthropods. Their diet should be varied and nutritionally level:

Cobalt Blue Tarantulas are meat-eating predators that feed primarily on insects and other small arthropods. Their diet should be varied and nutritionally level:

Feed young Cobalt Blue Tarantulas around 2-3 times a week. Adult tarantulas can be fed 1-2 times a week.

Serve them a variety of prey items such as crickets, roaches, mealworms, and occasional waxworms. Prey should be about half the size of the Tarantula’s body.

 Core load feeder insects with nutritious foods like vegetables or commercial gut-loading products before offering them to the Tarantula. This improves the nutritional value of the prey.

Dust sometimes uses calcium and vitamin supplements to provide the Tarantula receives essential nutrients.

 Cobalt Blue Tarantulas experience moulting to grow and shed their old exoskeleton. Provide a peaceful and undisturbed environment during the moulting process. After moulting, avoid feeding for about a week to allow the new exoskeleton to set.

Ensure a superficial dish filled with clean, non-chlorinated water is always available. Mist the section occasionally to help maintain humidity and provide drinking opportunities.

 Regularly Monitor your Tarantula for symptoms of illness, stress, or injury. Support clean living conditions to control bacterial or fungal growth.

Cobalt Blue Tarantula Price & Cost in 2023

The price of a Cobalt Blue Tarantula can change based on the age, size, gender, and availability of the species in the market. But With the Latest Information on Back Wate Reptiles in 2023, You Can Buy a Cobalt Blue Tarantula Between $40 to $150.

  • Juvenile Cobalt Blue Tarantulas, around 1-2 inches in leg span, could be priced between $40 to $80, depending on factors like coloration and source.
  • Sub-adult and adult Cobalt Blue Tarantulas, around 3-5 inches in leg span, might be priced at $80 to $150 or higher, depending on size, color, and gender.

It’s essential to think that prices differ significantly based on the breeder, the color morph’s rarity, and the species’ overall demands. Additionally, prices might be different in different regions and countries.

Keeping a Cobalt Blue Tarantula as a pet is a unique and beautiful experience for arachnid lovers. While their vibrant colouration and striking appearance make them visually appealing, their care requires attention to detail. Maintaining an appropriate habitat with controlled humidity and temperature is crucial.

The initial investment for suitable enclosures, heating equipment, and decor might be moderate. Still, ongoing costs for food and maintenance remain reasonable.

Their behaviour, represented by secretive movements and limited handling tolerance, requires respect for their space. While their venom is potent, these tarantulas are generally not considered dangerous to humans, although notice is advised.

Are cobalt blue tarantulas aggressive? 

Cobalt blue tarantulas are defensive, not aggressive. They can show defensive behaviours when threatened.

Is the cobalt blue tarantula Old World? 

Yes, cobalt blue tarantulas are Old World species originating from Southeast Asia.

Is the cobalt blue tarantula blue? 

Yes, cobalt blue tarantulas are blue, mainly due to the structure of their exoskeleton.

Why are cobalt tarantulas blue? 

There isn’t a purple spider, but some might appear purplish due to lighting.

Is there a purple spider? 

There isn’t a purple spider, but some might appear purplish due to lighting.

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