Animal Cyclopedia

Red Sindhi Cow Price, Daily Milk Yield, Life Span, Feed, and Taking Care

If You are a Cow Lover Or A Potential Owner Of The Biggest Red Sindhi Cow, this article is Important. In This Article, we will cover Red Sindhi Cow Price, Daily Milk Yield, Life Span, Feed, and Size so that You Can Get Informed about the Cow and Make the Perfect decision before Owning one. So, Let’s dive into the Main part of this article and Keep Reading.

Lots of people are interested in the Red Sindhi Cow these days. It’s become trendy among folks who love cattle and farmers, too. People are curious about this cow because it’s good in many ways and can live in different types of weather.

One big reason people are checking out info on the Red Sindhi Cow is because it’s known for making a lot of milk. If someone wants more milk, they might think about getting this cow. Another reason is that these cows are tough and can handle different places, which is good for farmers who want solid and adaptable cattle.

People who might want to buy a Red Sindhi Cow are also looking for details about the cow’s traits, how to keep it healthy, and the best ways to take care of it. This article and resources give much information about these cows, helping people decide if they want one and teaching them how to look after it.

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The Red Sindhi Cow Breed History & Background

Red Sindhi Cow

The Red Sindhi Cow has a unique background and comes from the Sindh region, which is now in Pakistan. It has a characteristic red colour and looks elegant. This cow has been part of farming in the Indian subcontinent for a long time. People in that region used to value these cows because they were good for both getting milk and doing farm work. The Red Sindhi Cow was especially good at handling the harsh weather in Sindh.

As time passed, this cow became known outside of Sindh for producing much milk and being strong. As farming changed, there was a need for cows that could handle different environments, and the Red Sindhi Cow became popular in many places worldwide.

Nowadays, the history of this cow shows how it has qualities that last, and it also reflects the farming traditions of the areas it comes from. Even with modern farming, the Red Sindhi Cow is still essential for people who want a productive, adaptable cow connected to a rich cultural past.

Size, Height, Weight & Life Span of Red Sindhi Cow

The Red Sindhi Cow is a little small; it’s medium to large. Grown-up cows are usually about 120 to 140 cm tall at their shoulders. In terms of weight, these cows are generally around 450 to 600 kg when they are fully grown. They are solid and rigid, which helps them do well in different kinds of weather.

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CharacteristicRed Sindhi Cow
SizeMedium to Large
Height at Withers120 to 140 cm (adult)
Weight450 to 600 kg (adult)
Life Span12 to 15 years (on average)

Red Sindhi Cows usually live for around 12 to 15 years on average. How long they live can depend on what they eat, how well they are taken care of, and their environment. Because they are a good size, firm, and can live a decent amount of time, many farmers find them a good choice for their cattle.

The Best Feeding For Red Sindhi Cows

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Like other kinds of cows, what you feed Red Sindhi Cows depends on how old they are, how much they weigh, if they can have babies, and why they are being raised (like for making milk or for meat). But here are some basic ideas for feeding Red Sindhi Cows:

High-Quality Forage: Give your Red Sindhi Cows a steady supply of delicious food like fresh grass, hay, or silage. This food is essential for keeping their stomachs healthy and getting enough fibre.

Concentrates: Add extra food called concentrates to the diet. These concentrates should have a good protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals mix. The exact blend might change depending on whether the cow is young, old, or having babies. If a cow is making milk, she might need more energy and protein in her food.

Protein-rich Supplements: Red Sindhi Cows benefit from protein-rich supplements, particularly those used for dairy purposes. Soybean meal, sunflower meal, or other protein supplements can help meet their protein needs.

Mineral Supplements: Ensure access to mineral supplements, especially those containing calcium and phosphorus. Adequate minerals are crucial for bone health, reproduction, and overall well-being.

Vitamins: Provide vitamin supplements if necessary, especially during periods of stress or deficiencies in the forage.

Water: Ensure a constant and clean water supply. Adequate hydration is essential for digestion, milk production, and overall health.

Avoid Overfeeding: Monitor how your cows are doing by checking their body condition regularly. If they start looking too chubby, you might need to adjust how much you feed them. Too much food can make them overweight and cause health problems, so finding the right balance is essential.

Grazing Opportunities: Allow Red Sindhi Cows access to pasture for grazing. Rotationally grazed pastures can promote optimal forage utilization and maintain pasture health.

Balanced Rations: Work with a nutritionist or a veterinarian to formulate balanced rations that meet the specific nutritional requirements of Red Sindhi Cows based on their needs and production goals.

Taking your Red Sindhi Cows to the vet regularly and talking to nutrition experts can help make their food plan right. This way, they get everything they need to stay healthy, have babies, and do their best work. Customizing their diet based on the group’s needs and what they want to achieve is essential for the best outcomes.

Must Read: Sahiwal Cow Price, Milk Per Day, Food, Adaptability, Dimension And Origin

Daily Milk Yield Of Red Sindhi Cows

The Red Sindhi Cow is famous for giving a lot of milk daily, and dairy farmers like this breed. If you take good care of a Red Sindhi Cow and feed it well, it can make about 10 to 12 litres of milk daily. That’s a lot of milk! While factors like genes, food, and how the cow is looked after can affect the amount of milk, Red Sindhi Cows are known for being great at making milk.

However, other particular types of cows, like Holsteins or Jerseys, can make even more milk, sometimes over 30 litres a day, when everything is just right. How much milk a cow makes daily depends on whether it’s having babies, how healthy it is, and what it eats. To get the most milk from Red Sindhi Cows, farmers must take good care of them, manage things well, and give them the right food.

The Red Sindhi Cows Price And Cost

The cost of Red Sindhi cows can change depending on a few things, like how old they are if they’re healthy, whether they’re having babies, and where you’re buying or selling them. How many people want these cows and the reputation of the person selling or breeding them can also affect the price.

RegionRed Sindhi Cow Price Range
India (National Average)INR 40,000 to INR 1,00,000
Tamil NaduINR 40,000 to INR 1,00,000
OdishaINR 40,000 to INR 1,00,000
KarnatakaINR 40,000 to INR 1,00,000
PakistanPKR 80,000 to PKR 2,00,000

Red Sindhi Cow Price in India

In India, the cost of Red Sindhi cows can be anywhere from INR 40,000 to INR 1,00,000 or even higher. This depends on different things.

Red Sindhi cow price in Tamilnadu

Tamil Nadu’s price is around the same as the national average, between INR 40,000 and INR 1,00,000, depending on how much people want them and how many are available.

Red Sindhi cow price in Odisha

In Odisha, the prices are also likely to be similar to the national average, ranging from INR 40,000 to INR 1,00,000, based on what’s happening in the local market.

Red Sindhi Cow Price in Karnataka

In Karnataka, it’s the same story. Prices could be between INR 40,000 and INR 1,00,000, depending on factors like supply and demand.

Red Sindhi Cow Price in Pakistan

The prices can differ in Pakistan, where Red Sindhi cows are initially from the Sindh region. They could be from PKR 80,000 to PKR 2,00,000 or even more. It depends on various things, just like in India.

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Potential Diseases That Can Affect Red Sindhi Cows

Before discussing specific diseases, it’s essential to know that Red Sindhi Cows, like other animals, can get sick. Keeping them healthy is vital for them to work well and be happy. They can get different kinds of infections, problems with having babies, and other health issues. To keep them healthy, it’s good to have the vet check them regularly, give them the right shots, feed them well, and keep their living area clean. Now, let’s talk about some specific sicknesses they might get and what signs to look out for.

Here are some potential diseases that can affect Red Sindhi Cows:

Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD): FMD is a highly contagious viral disease that affects cloven-hoofed animals, including Red Sindhi Cows. It can lead to fever, blisters on the mouth and feet, and reduced milk production.

Bovine Tuberculosis: This bacterial infection can affect the respiratory system and other organs in cattle, causing weight loss, coughing, and weakness. It poses a risk to both animal and human health.

Brucellosis: Brucellosis is a kind of bacterial infection that can cause cows to have problems with having babies, like losing the baby before it’s born or having trouble getting pregnant. The tricky part is this sickness can also pass to humans.

Mastitis is when the udder, where the milk comes from, gets all swollen and painful. This happens because of a bacterial infection. When a cow has mastitis, it can hurt, and the udder might feel warm. Plus, it can make the cow give less milk.

Tick-Borne Diseases: Red Sindhi Cows can be susceptible to diseases transmitted by ticks, such as anaplasmosis and babesiosis. These diseases can cause fever, anemia, and, in severe cases, death.

Internal Parasites: Gastrointestinal parasites like worms can affect the digestive system of Red Sindhi Cows, leading to weight loss, diarrhea, and decreased productivity.

Blackleg: Blackleg is a bacterial infection that can cause sudden death in cattle. It usually affects younger animals and is associated with swelling and gas production in affected muscles.

Rinderpest: Though efforts have been made to eradicate rinderpest, it historically posed a significant threat to cattle. It is a viral disease that can result in high mortality rates.

Taking Care Of Red Sindhi Cows

Caring for Red Sindhi Cows involves a holistic approach that includes proper nutrition, health monitoring, comfortable living conditions, and routine veterinary care. Here are essential aspects to consider


Provide a balanced diet rich in forage, concentrates, and essential minerals. Adjust feeding regimens based on age, lactation status, and health.

Health Monitoring

Conduct regular health checks to monitor body condition, weight, and overall well-being. Watch for signs of illness, lameness, or behavioral changes. Implement a vaccination program as recommended by veterinarians.

Housing and Living Conditions

Provide a clean and comfortable living environment with adequate ventilation. Ensure proper drainage to prevent mud and standing water. Create a designated area for feeding and watering to minimize competition.

Reproductive Management

Monitor the reproductive health of cows, ensuring regular estrus cycles. Implement a breeding program based on the desired production goals. Seek veterinary assistance for artificial insemination or breeding challenges.

Parasite Control

Establish a parasite control program to manage internal and external parasites. Rotate pastures to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal worm infestations. Use approved deworming medications as per veterinary recommendations.

Disease Prevention

Keep animals healthy by doing things to stop sickness from spreading. Watch out for bugs like ticks that can carry diseases, and ensure they don’t cause trouble. When getting new animals, keep them separate to ensure they’re not sick before letting them join the group.

Routine Veterinary Care

Make plans to see the vet regularly to keep your animals healthy. If you notice problems like trouble walking, breathing, or having babies, get them checked by the vet immediately. Please keep a record of shots, getting rid of worms, and other things you do to keep them healthy.

Handling and Management Practices

Practice gentle and low-stress handling techniques to reduce anxiety in cows. Maintain proper record-keeping for individual animals, including health history and production data.

Train caretakers and farm staff in adequate animal husbandry practices.

Environmental Considerations

Ensure your animals have a shady place and are safe from bad weather. Take care of waste and poop properly so it doesn’t harm the environment. Consider environmental enrichment to promote natural behaviors.


Red Sindhi Cows are special cows that give a lot of milk, can live in different places, and have a long history. People who want to know about these cows are interested in their price, how much milk they give daily, how long they live, what they eat, and how to take care of them.

These cows come from the Sindh region and are famous worldwide. Farmers like them because they are small, strong, and can live for about 12 to 15 years.

It is essential to keep them healthy, giving them good food like grass, exceptional food, protein-rich supplements, minerals, vitamins, and enough water. They also need space to graze, a balanced diet, and regular visits to the vet.

Red Sindhi Cows can give 10 to 12 liters of milk daily if taken care of properly. They may provide less milk than other cows, but they are still a good choice for dairy farmers because they are easy to manage.

The cost of these cows depends on age, health if they can have babies, and where you are buying them. In India, prices range from INR 40,000 to INR 1,00,000; in Pakistan, they can be from PKR 80,000 to PKR 2,00,000. Knowing about the seller and the market is essential before buying one.

It’s also important to watch out for diseases affecting these cows, such as foot and mouth disease, bruvine tuberculosis, Brucellosis, etc. Regular vet check-ups, vaccinations, and prevention of diseases are essential.

Taking care of their health and living conditions, having babies, controlling parasites, and handling them properly ensures these cows are happy and healthy. Whether you’re a new farmer or just interested in these cows, this information can help you take good care of them.

Frequently Asked Questions About Red Sindhi Cattle

Next, we will answer some frequently asked questions related to the Red Sindhi breed:

What is the average lifespan of a Red Sindhi Cow?

The Red Sindhi Cow typically has an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years. Diet, healthcare, and living conditions can influence their longevity.

How much milk does a Red Sindhi Cow produce daily?

When well cared for and properly fed, a Red Sindhi Cow can produce approximately 10 to 12 liters of milk daily. Genetics, health, and diet play a role in determining the daily milk yield.

What is the price range for Red Sindhi Cows in India?

In India, the price of Red Sindhi Cows can change depending on how old they are, if they are healthy, and where you are. Usually, they cost between INR 40,000 and INR 1,00,000, but it can be different in each state.

How should Red Sindhi Cows be fed for optimal health and productivity?

Red Sindhi Cows benefit from a balanced diet that includes high-quality forage, concentrates, protein-rich supplements, minerals, and vitamins. Customizing their diet based on age, lactation status, and health is essential for their well-being.

What common diseases can affect Red Sindhi Cows, and how can they be prevented?

Red Sindhi Cows can be susceptible to foot and mouth disease, bovine tuberculosis, Brussels, mastitis, tick-borne diseases, and more. Regular veterinary care, vaccinations, parasite control, and maintaining a clean living environment are crucial for disease prevention and overall health.

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