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I Found 11 Unique Black Birds in Florida: Images & Details

Do You Know how many Types of Black birds exist in Florida states? Huge or Fewer. But I have found many Black Birds in Florida. I will introduce some of them to You in today’s article. 

As a Bird Lover, I always Want to know about Birds, even if I know enough, but my Hunger is Infinite. Recently I Travell to Florida & visited some places; I found their magnificent Birds

So it would be perfect if I wrote about them & introduced them to You. That’s Why I’m Writing the Article  (11 Unique Black Birds in Florida: Images & Details Information)Before starting this article’s central part, I want to inform you of one thing. I Researched Well about Blackbirds; after That, I decided to introduce these 11 blackbirds to You. Oh, by the way, I have already written about 8 red chests of birds; you can also read this article if you find this interesting.

I mentioned that I Found 11 Unique Black Birds in Florida on my last trip. I’m not saying that I spotted all of the 11 birds, but I told you That I did well researching them, so I started writing this article.

Details of the 11 Black Birds in Florida ( Commonly Found in Florida States)

In Detail, I will present each Bird’s Name, Images, Dimensions, characteristics, Common & Uncommon Behavior, and Breeding season. I Arrange these 11 Black Birds According to My Choice. So Let’s Dive in the article.

1. European Starling

Black Bird in Florida, European Starling  ,


The European starling (Sternus vulgaris) is a typical European black bird; The European starling has smooth, black plumage with a sharp purple and green tint.

These striped spots are more visible when their breeding season begins. The bird spread to America from Europe in the 19th century.

It’s one of the best black birds I’ve seen in Florida because its mimicry makes it attractive to humans.

  • Dimensions: Length: Approximately 19-22 cm (7.5-8.5 inches) ounces)
  • Characteristics: The European starling has a smooth, black plumage with a sharp purple and green tint.
  • Food: insects, such as beetles, grasshoppers, and caterpillars
  • Expected Behavior: Foraging, Vocal Mimicry, Murmurations 
  • Uncommon Behavior: Nest Theft, Urban Adaptation 
  • Breeding Season: late winter or early spring.

Let’s Jump into the 2nd Black bird that I found in Florida. & try to Know about the bird.

2. Boat-tailed Grackle 

Boat-tailed Grackle

The Boat-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus major) is a medium-sized Avian iconic bird species. They mainly roam the waterways and cities of the southern United States.

They are known as omnivorous birds. Male birds have light blue plasma on their bodies that glows brighter in sunlight, which is more attractive to female birds. Female birds are visually taller than males.

  • Dimensions: length of about 11 to 13 inches (28 to 33 cm)
  • Characteristics: Full Black Color with Light blue plasma on their bodies that glows brighter in sunlight
  • Food: insects, crustaceans, small fish, seeds, fruits, and human food scraps scavenged in urban areas.
  • Expected Behavior: flashing their iridescent feathers, loud calls, Stealing Human food.
  • Uncommon Behavior: engage in kleptoparasitism, stealing food from other birds or animals
  • Breeding Season: late spring to mid-summer

3. Red-winged Blackbird  

Red-winged Blackbird

The red-winged blackbird (Agelius phoenixes) is a medium-sized songbird, with males with black plumage and orange wings and females with dark plumage.

They are omnivorous birds found widely in North America. They start breeding in early spring.

  • Dimensions: 18-24 cm (7-9 inches) in length with a wingspan of 31-39 cm (12-15 inches).
  • Characteristics: Males have glossy black plumage with distinctive red and yellow shoulder patches, which they display during territorial and courtship displays. Females are smaller and have brown and black plumage.
  • Food: insects, seeds, grains, and fruits.
  • Common Behavior: Defending their nesting territories can be seen in wetland areas or open fields.
  • Uncommon Behavior: brood parasitism, laying eggs in the nests of other bird species
  • Breeding Season: Late winter to early spring

4. Brown-headed Cowbird  

Brown-headed Cowbird

The Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothras atter) is a medium-sized bird with a brown head. Common in North America and the state of Florida, these birds lay and release their eggs in the nests of other birds.

They do not give birth themselves. Brown-headed cowbirds are opportunistic feeders, eating seeds, insects, and small fruits.

  • Dimensions: 17-23 cm (6.7-9 inches) in length, with a wingspan of approximately 30-38 cm (12-15 inches).
  • Characteristics: Male birds have black plumage with brown heads. Females are more subdued, with grey-brown plumage and a small brown head.
  • Food: seeds and grains. They also consume insects and small fruits.
  • Common Behavior: Lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species
  • Uncommon Behavior: Mafia behaviour
  • Breeding Season: Late spring to early summer

5. Common Crow  

Common Crow

I discovered that Common Crow is the Most seen Black Bird in Florida States, and Even We Can See them in every Country.

Common crows Genarelly Feed everything the Bird can Feed; they also feed Human Food. They made Thier Nest in the Tree with the Help of Branches. These black birds are Black in looking Strong Legs .

They are brilliant birds with keen problem-solving abilities and excellent memory.

  • Dimensions: 40-50 cm (16-20 inches) in length
  • Characteristics: Black in, looking Strong Legs, very brilliant in Problem-Solving.
  • Food: insects, small mammals, fruits, seeds, carrion, and even human food scraps.
  • Common Behavior: Seen in I Family as Social Bird, High Vocal & Curious.
  • Uncommon Behavior: insects, small mammals, fruits, seeds, carrion, and even human food scraps
  • Breeding Season: Spring

6. Fish Crow  

Fish Crow

The Fish Crow (Corvus ossifragus) is almost Simillier To Common Crow; it Looks close to Common Crow but Slightly Smaller. The Fish Crow Usually Fly in Groups; Fish is the Favourite Food.

This Bird is Very skilful in using any tools to Extract Insects or Fish for Feed. This Social bird’s Breeding Season is from April to June.

  • Dimensions: 35-41 cm (14-16 inches) in length
  • Characteristics: Smaller Than Common Crow but Looks Almost the Same
  • Food: Small fish, crustaceans, and other aquatic creatures
  • Common Behavior: Social Bird , Fly in Group
  • Uncommon Behavior: Use Tools to extract the foods.
  • Breeding Season: April to June

7. Common Grackle  

Common Grackle

I also found Common Grackle, the black birds in Florida. These Mid Size Birds are Known as Social birds; they Fly in Noisy Groups; this Group is famous for their Loud Vocals.

Men’s birds look Like Balck with purple & blue Shine; females are Little Brown.

Common grackles can be seen as “anting”, taking ants and rubbing them on their feathers. The purpose of this behaviour is not fully understood, but it is thought to help repel parasites or to spread formic acid in their plumage as a deterrent.

  • Dimensions: 28-34 cm (11-13 inches) in length
  • Characteristics: Men’s birds look Like Balck with purple & blue Shine; females are Little Brown.
  • Food: Insects, fruits, seeds, grains, small vertebrates, and human food scraps.
  • Common Behavior: They Fly in Noisy Groups
  • Uncommon Behavior: can be seen as “anting”, taking ants and rubbing them on their feathers
  • Breeding Season:

8. Great-tailed Grackle  

Great-tailed Grackle

The scientific name  Great-tailed Grackle is Quiscalus mexicanus. This Long & keel-Shaped Tail’s Bird is Known as a Large Songbird. Their name Came From their Tail.

Females are a little smaller than Males, these Blck Birds are Commonly Found in Florida states & they are also Social birds.

Characteristics: Male Great-tailed Grackles have a long, keel-shaped tail that gives them their name. They have yellow eyes and a distinctive pale iris. 

Females are generally smaller and have a more subdued brown colouration.

Food: Insects, small vertebrates, grains, fruits, and human food scraps.

Typical Behavior: Seen in Urban Ares & Sing the Songs in Loud Vocals

Uncommon Behavior: Puffing up their plumage and vocalizing to attract females.

Breeding Season: Early Summer

9. Bronzed Cowbird 

Bronzed Cowbird

Bronzed Cowbird is the 9th bird of the Black Birds in Florida List. The Scientific Name of this Bird is Molothrus aeneus.

A Medium Size Back Bird is a shiny bronze or iridescent green-black plumage with a brown head and neck.

Females are smaller and have a dull brownish-black coloration. This bird is a Social bird, usually Seen flying with other bird species & Lying eggs in another nest.

  • Dimensions: 20-23 cm (8-9 inches) in length
  • Characteristics: Male bronzed cowbirds have shiny bronze or iridescent green-black plumage with a brown head and neck. Females are smaller and have a dull brownish-black coloration.
  • Food: Insects, small vertebrates, grains, fruits, and human food scraps.
  • Common Behavior: Seen in flocks with other bird species
  • Uncommon Behavior: They are known for their brood parasitism

10. Rusty Blackbird 

Rusty Blackbird , Black birds in florida

The rusty Blackbird is a Medium Size Balck Bird; the scientific Name is Euphagus carolinus. This Bird has Black Glossy Plumage & Rusty Brown Head. These Birds Can be seen foraging in swamps, wooded marshes, and shallow water areas. They are known for their distinctive “check” call. Usually,

  • Dimensions: 18-23 cm (7-9 inches) in length
  • Characteristics: Rusty Blackbirds have glossy black plumage with rusty-brown edges on their feathers
  • Food: Insects, small vertebrates, grains, fruits, and human food scraps.
  • Common Behavior: They are known for their distinctive “chack” call.
  • Uncommon Behavior: behaviour and ecology due to their elusive nature

11. Brewer’s Blackbird 

Brewer's Blackbird

The Brewer’s Blackbird is a medium-sized songbird. The scientific Name of This Birds is Euphagus cyanocephalus. Male birds have Glossy black feathers, and female birds have brown feathers.

These social birds are found in various environments, including urban areas, agricultural fields, and open spaces.

Male birds perform mating displays during the breeding season to attract female birds. Brewer’s blackbirds emerge in large flocks.

  • Dimensions: 20-25 cm (8-10 inches) in length
  • Characteristics: Male Birds Have Glossy Black Features & Females have Brown.
  • Food: Insects, seeds, grains, fruits, and human food scraps.
  • Common Behavior: Usually Seen in Large Groups
  • Uncommon Behavior: Unique “anting” behaviour

As a bird lover, I like all kinds of birds, but I like the European Starling, the most among the blackbirds. Striking black plumage with glossy iridescent purple and green highlights makes it highly visible and attractive to humans. Which bird do you like more?

Tell me what you think about these 11 back birds in today’s article. Another article will also discuss my research findings on Black Birds in Florida.

FAQ on the Topic: I Found 11 Unique Black Birds in Florida

In this Part of the article, We Cover the Public Common question about Black birds in Florida. So let’s Know the Answer to the Question.

What are the Big Black Birds in Florida?

Common Crow (American Crow – Corvus brachyrhynchos) & Big Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) is the Big black Birds in Florida.

What Common Black bird in Florida?

List Of The Common Black Birds In Florida:

  1. Common Grackle  
  2. Boat-tailed Grackle 
  3. Red-winged Blackbird  
  4. Brown-headed Cowbird  
  5. Common Crow  
  6. Fish Crow  
  7. European Starling  
  8. Great-tailed Grackle  
  9. Bronzed Cowbird 
  10. Rusty Blackbird 
  11. Brewer’s Blackbird 

What are the Black Birds in South Florida?

In South Florida, the black birds you are likely to encounter include:

  1. Common Crow (American Crow – Corvus brachyrhynchos)
  2. Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus)
  3. Boat-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus major)
  4. Bronzed Cowbird (Molothrus aeneus)
  5. Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater)
  6. Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)
  7. Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus)
  8. European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)

What are the Small Black Bird in Florida?

In Florida, some of the small black bird species you may come across include:

  1. Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula)
  2. Boat-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus major)
  3. Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater)
  4. Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)
  5. European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)

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